Friday, June 11, 2010

End of week one!

So it is the end of week one here at CentriKid. It was a great week. I am soooo great full for all that I have been able to do and all the people I have met. It has gone by so fast yet so slow. The day's have felt forever long but the week just flew by.

My bible study group was more than I could ask for. They were the best group to have for my first week. They were so willing to listen and follow my directions. I feel so honored to be able to be here and share my life. My church group this week was fabulous as well. They really went out of their way by giving me pizza and a sweet card. Track time was good as well. Although it was the time of day that I really wanted to take a nap everything some how got done and my kids performed amazingly.

I will share a story.... One day I was getting my book bag and I heard this boy crying in the audi. I ran over to this boy thinking that he was hurt. Well, he wasn't hurt, he was crying because of the storm. (There was this storm out side that was rather bad. ) I sat down next to him and started talking to him. We talked about God and how he protects us. I related some to him about storms and how they sometime scared me, then prayed. We then just sat and talked. I heard some boys out in the lobby poking fun at him saying, "Do you see that boy in there? He's crying because of the storm." It was really sad!!! So I went and shut the door and just kept talking to him. He was the most intriguing little guy. We talked about animals, music, and tv. He was just precious. Well while we were talking apparently his whole church was searching for him. Later his mom wrote me a letter. She was so impressed that I took time and just prayed with him and kept him company. That was amazing!!

I wish everyone could spend one week with me this summer and just see how amazing God is when it comes to kids.

This week has been great, but just like with anything there are struggles. Track time didn't go exactly like I wanted, but none the less it went really well. The kidos did so well performing in worship band. I am so proud of all of them.

Today we worked for half the day and had some free time to hang out or like I did take a nap. It was a good nap, and much needed.

Today was sort of a hard day. I was really tired and having to count t-shirts was a hard task to accomplish. I love everyone in the group but my patience was running short. So I was more than happy to take a nap. :)

Now we are all laying on the floor of the audi watching the movie UP, which I have never seen.

I miss everyone! A new group of campers come in on Sunday. So tomorrow is our day off, sort of. I am happy to at least have it, hopefully get some practicing done and get some clothes washed. Keep prying for us. The team is going great!



  1. Sarah it sounds like you are having a wonderful time with the Lord! I know that he will continue to use and stretch you in many ways! Keep the blogs coming! I love hearing about everything going on in your life! Is there anything I can be praying specifically for? Love you bunches!

  2. Sounds like a super first week! Praying for you daily. Enjoyed the blog story. Glad to hear you get your rest and practice. We love you.
