Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Third Day with CK-1 and some 32 degrees

Hey Hey!!!

So today was great. I am getting to know and love my ck-1 hardcore group. These people are completely amazing.

Camp has already changed my life. Not so much inwardly but more on the outward me. This is a girl who hates taking night showers and loves to get up and start the day nice and clean. So far that has been crushed! I, for the past two days, have taken a show in the evening and ran around all day sweating. I'm cool with the sweat (no pun intended). This is a big step for me... and why I agree with ck-1 hardcore... cause its kinda hardcore.

I love getting to know all the silly about camp and all the competition and many chants and songs that I will have to be creative enough to create. This I believe will be very interesting.... maybe fifth graders will be really creative with it all and will not resort to my lack of cleverness.

Spiritually today was amazing as well. Being apart of such a great Christian ministry that has its act together is fa-nominal. The bible studies are great as well as the spiritual quality that they provide for us as staffers. I am so happy to be a part of this.

I know that God has so much in store for me to learn and to grow in and out of this summer. I am so super excited to see where He will lead me.

Another cool thing our group did today was go to this little shack barn thing/ stand right down the road from the school we are at and get shaved ice. It was so much fun just bonding with the group and getting pumped on some sugar. Tonight was great!!!

I am excited for the rest of camp and to talk and learn more about helping make a change in children hearts this summer.


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