Thursday, August 12, 2010

Summer is coming to an end!

Okay, so my summer is coming to an end, and this means packing. For those of you who know me you know that I am notorious for making messes. Well, I have been home for about 1.5 weeks and a mess I've made. The only hard thing is, is that I leave tomorrow to go back to Alabama. This meas packing. I am so excited to get back but not about cleaning this mess. I know that once I start doing it it will be fine. I just can't make myself actually do any of the work. Plus I have an exchange student living in my room this next year. That means that I have to clean every part of my room... even the stuff that normally stays in the draws. Grrrrr! The thing is, is that I know as soon as I start working it will be and go fast.

So other than cleaning my room I'm kind of stressed about getting a job. I really need to have a job and stop asking the parents for money. I'm almost 20 yrs old. So I have applied to several different locations but nothing is looking amazing. This is part of the reason why I am leaving 2 weeks before school actually starts. I just want to get a job and start working.

I also have spent little to no time practicing my instrument.... which is not a good thing. So I have to hop on that before I just completely suck.

Its been weird being so busy all summer then coming home and not having anything to do or any one to see. Its been interesting... not bad, just different. I have enjoyed having my days to myself and spending time with my parents. I really just want to get back to Birmingham and moving on with things.

I do really miss all my CK friends! Its been nice having sometime by myself but I wish I could see them. I mean I will get to see several of them in the next couple of weeks, which is quite exciting.

I just have so much to do but am not quite motivated to do it today. Its nothing particular, I just don't feel so up to working. All well.... here goes!