Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Campbell Week for Ck-1

So we are here at Campbell University. It is now down pooring and lightning kind of bad. I really hope that this week goes well. It has gotten off to a good start, but it has been hard to transition into this new location.

I am not feeling so hot right now. I think that I am getting sick. I have some sinus issues and I am not liking it. I really hope that I get over it soon. I am also really excited because tomorrow I will see my dad. I am so happy!!!

Things have been hard recently. I am tired and starting to get comfortable. I really do not want this to just become another thing. I really want to stay focused on the reason I am here, which is the kids. Its hard when you never get to talk to anyone over the age of 12. It just takes a lot of strength to get through a day. Its hard when you also don't have time to call anyone. I would love to talk to my mom and family but its difficult.

We hare officially half way done with this summer, which is exciting but also a little hard/ sad. I really have enjoyed all of this summer so far and wish everyone would be able to have this opportunity.

Today for the first time I did housing assignments for all the churches... at points it got a little stressful, but of course I took care of it :)

Lets see... my worship band has been doing really well the past several weeks and I really have enjoyed teaching it.

My church group this past week was really great. They are from right near my home, so that is nice.

Keep in contact with me some how.... sorry I might not be able to do the same back!!

Love you all!!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

1/3 of the way!

WOW!!! It has been a long time since I have blogged and it has been a long week! A camp ended today and a camp begins here today. We are at Ridgecrest right now. A new group of kiddos come in tonight. I am excited. I really like having the kids. Although right now a break would be nice.

I feel like so much has happened I am not sure where to start. I guess I will start with us leaving Lee University.

We left Lee last Friday and drove here to Ridgecrest. Then Saturday we unloaded everything and got ready to start camp on Sunday. We started and have been non stop busy. The ride was a good one. I really enjoyed being on the van and not having to drive. I slept in the back. I missed most of the trip cause I was exhausted. It was such a beautiful ride though. Through the mountains and everything. The landscape was great. I really like the van rides too because it is time for us as a team to hang out and get to know each other better.

I did a lot of production set up this week for camp. We are assigned a crew from the beginning and my crew is the store, but that went rather fast so I helped a lot with lighting. I really enjoyed getting to set up the equipment that I was using. Although I am not sure if I will be doing lights anymore. We are rotating, which will be good cause I really would like to sit in with the kids.

Here at Ridgecrest I am rooming with Bethany and Kristin. Kristin has been sick so we let her have her own bed. She went to this doctor who did nothing for here but talk to her about how he was in the army or something like that. Idk. Anyways she's starting to feel better, although she did keep coughing last night. I feel bad. It is a tough job to be sick doing.

Hmmm.... My kiddos this week were fabulous. It was interesting group. I really didn't have any kids who were completely ignorant of Jesus and salvation, so idk I kind of felt more relaxed about things and bible study. They were not the most athletic bunch either, so rec was interesting. I love rec, it is probably one of my fav things about camp but its hard when the kids aren't into it. Some weeks the kids love it and other weeks they just don't care.

My worship band group this week were good. I really enjoyed what we did. We have three groups of kids the boom boom, tank tank, and the ting tings. These are catigorized by the sound their percussion instrument makes. We did a "we will rock you" beat and three kids rapped, it was really cute. Im not sure though if that is really what should happen. I feel like the kids love banging on things and the percussion part. Its just hard to add in the worship part. Idk, I'm going to talk to Andy about it, see what he has to say about it.

Im really tired though. Its just long days and nights. My home church is here this week with Fuge camps so it was nice to see them and get some stuff from home!! :)

I really love my team. I think that in the start of the week we struggled a little with the focus being on us and not completely on the kids. It was hard after spending so much time traveling together. Things got better though towards the end.

Well, I love all you guys!! I hope all is going well with you and I am praying for you!


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Summer Dates and Addresses

June 7-17 — Lee University
Attn: CentriKid Staffer
Sarah Cole
1120 N. Ocoee St.
Cleveland, TN 37320

June 19-27 — Ridgecrest
Attn: CentriKid Staffer
Sarah Cole
P.O. Box 128
Ridgecrest, NC 28770

June 29-July 3 — Campbell University
Attn: CentriKid Staffer
Sarah Cole
30 Pope St., Wallace Student Center
Buies Creek, NC 27506

July 5-11 — Shocco Springs
Attn: CentriKid Staffer
Sarah Cole
1314 Shocco Springs Rd.
P.O. Box 886
Talladega, AL 35161

July 12-23 — Norman Park
Attn: CentriKid Staffer
Sarah Cole
P.O. Box 199
Norman Park, GA 31771

July 26-30 — Ridgecrest
Attn: CentriKid Staffer
Sarah Cole
P.O. Box 128
Ridgecrest, NC 28770

Make sure you send it to my name!!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

End of week one!

So it is the end of week one here at CentriKid. It was a great week. I am soooo great full for all that I have been able to do and all the people I have met. It has gone by so fast yet so slow. The day's have felt forever long but the week just flew by.

My bible study group was more than I could ask for. They were the best group to have for my first week. They were so willing to listen and follow my directions. I feel so honored to be able to be here and share my life. My church group this week was fabulous as well. They really went out of their way by giving me pizza and a sweet card. Track time was good as well. Although it was the time of day that I really wanted to take a nap everything some how got done and my kids performed amazingly.

I will share a story.... One day I was getting my book bag and I heard this boy crying in the audi. I ran over to this boy thinking that he was hurt. Well, he wasn't hurt, he was crying because of the storm. (There was this storm out side that was rather bad. ) I sat down next to him and started talking to him. We talked about God and how he protects us. I related some to him about storms and how they sometime scared me, then prayed. We then just sat and talked. I heard some boys out in the lobby poking fun at him saying, "Do you see that boy in there? He's crying because of the storm." It was really sad!!! So I went and shut the door and just kept talking to him. He was the most intriguing little guy. We talked about animals, music, and tv. He was just precious. Well while we were talking apparently his whole church was searching for him. Later his mom wrote me a letter. She was so impressed that I took time and just prayed with him and kept him company. That was amazing!!

I wish everyone could spend one week with me this summer and just see how amazing God is when it comes to kids.

This week has been great, but just like with anything there are struggles. Track time didn't go exactly like I wanted, but none the less it went really well. The kidos did so well performing in worship band. I am so proud of all of them.

Today we worked for half the day and had some free time to hang out or like I did take a nap. It was a good nap, and much needed.

Today was sort of a hard day. I was really tired and having to count t-shirts was a hard task to accomplish. I love everyone in the group but my patience was running short. So I was more than happy to take a nap. :)

Now we are all laying on the floor of the audi watching the movie UP, which I have never seen.

I miss everyone! A new group of campers come in on Sunday. So tomorrow is our day off, sort of. I am happy to at least have it, hopefully get some practicing done and get some clothes washed. Keep prying for us. The team is going great!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Middle of week one!

So it is the middle of week one and I am exhausted. It has been a very hectic week but yet very good. I really feel stressed but it is sooo cool to see how God works even when I don't feel prepared.

I love my first group. God placed some amazing kids in my life and I am very excited to play a part of their lives. I was really scared about working with boys at first, but the boy's in my bible study are amazing. They are complete gentlemen and servants. The kids are just great. At first I really wasn't prepared and struggled through the first night. Today was a lot better though. I really felt prepared and like I got through to the students.

At time this week has been really hard. I have cried every night or at least shed some tears. It just this underlining stress. I really like to have things organized, and just not knowing my surroundings its really hard. I feel like next week will go so much more smoothly.

Currently, while I am writing this, several staffers from the team are giving funny stories of things that have happened. I am really enjoying it! Speaking of my team, I LOVE them!!! I feel so lucky to have such wonderful people. I am excited to see how well we will know each other and really grow together and in love.

There have been several moments were I just feel stressed and really would like 5min to myself. Or even just time to eat dinner. Its ok though. I know that Gods will is being done and I feel so honored to be apart of it.

Please keep praying for us. For me please pray for physical restoration. If you are reading this and would like to send me mail please contact my mom and she can give you my addresses. Thank you so much!! I love you alll!!!!

Sarah Cole

Friday, June 4, 2010

Ck- Hardcore!!


So today was the first day on our first camp site location!!! I am so excited to see how everything will work out over the next two days. I can't believe how much we have done, but how much we still have to do. I really am feeling overwhelmed.... they said that I would be.... they are right!!!

So after driving the van through Tennessee, and avoiding about three accidents and speeding past the budgets trucks we made it here! It was quite an experience driving a 15 passenger van. I really am quite proud of my self. I will share one story from my experience. Here goes!!!

So there is a strict rule about not passing the Budget Trucks... these are like big moving trucks. Well we were traveling through the mountains and well... I was really focused... I mean there were like 11 other peoples lives in my hands. We also have co-pilots. The both of us were so focused on driving and the road that we both completely did not realize that we passed the budget trucks. Once I was somewhat out of the twists and turns I realized what that I was not near the other vans. We then thought that they had passed us so we started speeding up a little. Well.... they really were not infront of us... they were behind us. Yea, first time driving and I end up breaking one of the golden rules!!! Ok thats all!!

Anyways I am really stressed now and am trying to stay positive for the next 12 cycles of camp. I know it will be okay!

I really want to ask that if everyone can pray that I stay focused on the kids this week and not worry about everything else going on. There are a lot of details about camp that can be really distracting to the real reason we are there. I really pray and hope that my focus stays on point.

I really miss everyone!!! Love you all! :)


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Third Day with CK-1 and some 32 degrees

Hey Hey!!!

So today was great. I am getting to know and love my ck-1 hardcore group. These people are completely amazing.

Camp has already changed my life. Not so much inwardly but more on the outward me. This is a girl who hates taking night showers and loves to get up and start the day nice and clean. So far that has been crushed! I, for the past two days, have taken a show in the evening and ran around all day sweating. I'm cool with the sweat (no pun intended). This is a big step for me... and why I agree with ck-1 hardcore... cause its kinda hardcore.

I love getting to know all the silly about camp and all the competition and many chants and songs that I will have to be creative enough to create. This I believe will be very interesting.... maybe fifth graders will be really creative with it all and will not resort to my lack of cleverness.

Spiritually today was amazing as well. Being apart of such a great Christian ministry that has its act together is fa-nominal. The bible studies are great as well as the spiritual quality that they provide for us as staffers. I am so happy to be a part of this.

I know that God has so much in store for me to learn and to grow in and out of this summer. I am so super excited to see where He will lead me.

Another cool thing our group did today was go to this little shack barn thing/ stand right down the road from the school we are at and get shaved ice. It was so much fun just bonding with the group and getting pumped on some sugar. Tonight was great!!!

I am excited for the rest of camp and to talk and learn more about helping make a change in children hearts this summer.
